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Nippon Medical School Hospital

Osamu Goto, MD, PhD

After graduating from Mie University School of Medicine in 2002, Dr. Goto completed a residency in internal medicine at the University of Tokyo Hospital and its affiliated hospitals. He then went on to study gastrointestinal endoscopic treatment and the basics of clinical research at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, earning a doctorate in gastroenterology in 2010. In 2011 he went on to pursue a career at the Division of Research and Development for Minimally Invasive Treatment, Cancer Center, Keio University School of Medicine. During his tenure at Keio, he visited the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam where he studied for six months. He has belonged to the Gastroenterology Department at Nippon Medical School since 2018.

Case 1 Suturing in retroflex position for the posterior wall of the angle of stomach Prof. Goto using GIF-H290T

Case 2 Suturing in straight position the posterior wall of the lesser curvature of the middle body. Prof. Goto using GIF-H290T

Case 3 Suturing in straight position the angulus, on the lateral side of the greater curvature. Prof. Goto using GIF-H290T