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OVERVIEW of EBUS-UT (Endobronchial Ultrasound - Ultrathin bronchoscopy)

The BF-MP190F is an ultrathin hybrid bronchoscope whose distal end has an outer diameter of 3.0 mm and whose instrument channel has an inner diameter of 1.7 mm. The scope is compatible with the thin radial type EBUS probe (UM-S20-17S), which means that EBUS-UT (method) is possible by bringing the BF-MP190F as close as possible to the peripheral pulmonary lesion, checking the lesion position and performing sampling with the radial ultrasonic probe.

The narrower scope diameter of 3.0 mm makes it possible to access the peripheral bronchi by advancing 1 or 2 branches beyond the BF-P190 accessible range.

Peripheral bronchi accessible with the bronchoscopes
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