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CASE STUDY 2: The Role of the Olympus EZDilate Balloon for a Difficult Angled Dilation of a Gastro-Gastric Anastomotic Stricture following a Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass.


  • 30-year-old female with history of eating disorder and morbid obesity s/p Roux-En-Y gastric bypass. 
  • She developed post-operative complication, ischemia and perforation- a revision was performed.
  • A gasto-gastric fistula was noted on upper GI series and the fistula was utilized to aid in the process of healing.


  • Upper endoscopy was performed.


The angle of this dilation case was difficult, EZDilate helped overcome several case challenges:

  • Easy and safe navigation of a tight and tortuous gastro-gastric anastomosis.
    1.) Wire-guided dilation protecting sensitive anatomy
  • Precise placement with center visual marker to keep the center of the balloon exactly at the site of the strictured anastomosis during dilation.
  • Safe visual assessment of tissue during dilation: 
    Rounded balloon shoulders and ultra-clear material enable enhanced visualization of this delicate anastomotic stricture during dilation.
  • Equal radial force exerted along the full length of the stricture with circumferential effect.
  • Sequential, gradual dilation with accurate inflation.
  • Quick inflation-deflation but with tactile perception to determine the amount of resistance encountered with inflation/deflation
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